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"All That Glitters Is Not Gold"
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William Shakespeare was an amazing writer, playwright, poet and actor. He is known around the globe for writing some of the most well-known plays in the world, such as Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar and many more of our favorite books and movies that we have today. He was born in 1564 in Stanford, England and lived there for his entire life. He started writing poems when he was 29 years old, he wrote his first play in 1589 and called it Henry the IV, and the public adored him. He was unique in the way that he wrote other versions of already famous plays and poems. Shakespeare died on his birthday in 1616 after drinking too much the night before. Shakespeare created over 1,500 words that we still use in the English Language today, such as assassination, lonely and bloodstained. So now you see why I chose William Shakespeare for my notable. 

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