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Who am I? 


This man is an amazing specimen for mankind, 

He did a lot of interesting things as you will find, 


The man changed the English language for good, 

But all the changes he made were because of his childhood, 


This person lived in England 500 years ago, 

And many people believed that everything he would know, 


The man began as a measly poet, 

And I am beginning to wonder if you know it, 


Henry the VI was his first play, 

The public loved it so much that they began throwing flower bouquets, 


His most famous play was a love story with a boy called Romeo, 

This play was so good that you could not say no, 


He married Anne Hathaway in Fifteen Eighty Two, 

I am beginning to think you might know who, 


He got drunk one night in 1616, 

He passed away the next day, his body was not keen 


So who is this person who made the crowds cheer?, 

Well of course it is the one and only William Shakespeare 




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