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1) William Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway in 1582 when he was 18. Even though Anne was older than Shakespeare, she lived for seven years after Shakespeare died.

2) Shakespeare was born in Stanford-Upon-Avenue and lived there for the duration of his life.

3) Shakespeare was born in 1564 on Stanford-Upon-Avenue and died in the year 1616 on his birthday after drinking too much the night before celebrating.

4) Shakespeare's first play that he ever published was called Henry VI and was published in the year 1591.

5) Shakespeare lived to the age of 52 years old before he died on his birthday.

6) Shakespeare studied Latin Grammar, Literature and Rhetoric in university and aced all his classes.


7) Shakespeare's wife (Anne Hathaway) was born in 1556 and lived in the same area as Shakespeare. Not a lot is known about her life and historians are still trying to uncover her secrets.

8) Shakespeare had three children; Hamnet Shakespeare, Susanna Hall and Judith Quiney. 

9) Macbeth was the most cursed play that Shakespeare wrote. no-one knows why it is cursed but you can learn everything we know at my Big Question.

10) The thing that made Shakespeare different to other playwriters was that he used topics that many other playwriters had already used. You might be wondering why people loved him if he did already famous things, well the thing is that He wrote them better then anyone else ever could have.

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